Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is a Torr in Chemistry?

What is a Torr in Chemistry?You may be wondering what the letter T means when you read about studies in 'What is a Torr in Chemistry?' Well, the answer to that question depends on who you ask. That is the first rule of nature.In my opinion, the answer to that question is no one person has been able to 'know' for sure that everyone else's choices are wrong. Everyone's choice has a chance of being right. The problem is most people's choices are not right. They are right only because they don't know better.This leaves some people having to pay for the knowledge they do have or feel that it is their right to buy all the scientific and educational products out there. My opinion is that this is silly. Some knowledge is necessary to make sense of the world around us. Even knowledge that leads to more knowledge is not wasted.I would not argue with those who believe in giving out scientific knowledge for free, as long as they use the knowledge as they see fit. If someone does not want to watc h me lecture, then they can do without my lectures.If someone does not want to listen to free information on the radio, then they can do without my listening information. Perhaps they will turn on their television. At least they will be hearing something that they like. At least they are being entertained.So, what has led to so many people misunderstanding the difference between science and religion? I think it is that too many people are taught things that are too hard for them to understand.Those who are in charge of the education experts should just get rid of textbooks. Or at least make them only available to those who have a passing grade in the subject matter. In the end, only those who are willing to study hard and commit themselves to mastering the subject matter are going to have any use for the textbook.

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